S7E11: Atheists, Calvinists, and Open Theists - Oh My!

In this episode we discuss a criticism that is brought against us by many Calvinists, Open Theists and atheists. The topic was prompted by a zealous atheist critic of our channel, and we're happy to respond. What is that one criticism? Find out this week on Trinity Radio!

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S7E10: Answering Our Critics on Suffering in the Flood

Atheist critics who watch our YouTube channel had plenty to say about suffering as it relates to the flood. Why did God have to let all those animals suffer like that? Couldn't a loving and all powerful God have just let the children and animals die instantly? Braxton and Johnathan tackle this issue. As a bonus, they also tackle criticisms based on the development of religion and evolution. 

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S7E9: Coloring for Jesus?

In this episode we discuss the good, the bad, and the mediocre in Christian merchandising. Watch as Braxton Hunter, Sensei Roth, and yes . . . Johnathan Pritchett employ adult pencils to color Christian adult coloring cards.

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S7E8: Should You Do Business at Church?

We discuss whether you should do business with church members, what to do about interlopers who are only there to sell you something, and how this all relates to supporting each other in the family of God. 

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S7E7: The Nature of Everything!

Trinity Radio has a special job for YOU! Find out what it is in this special show about EVERYTHING!

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S7E6: Does the Size of the Church Matter?

There are small churches, but there are no small ministries. What is it like to serve as the pastor of a small church? Are there right and wrong ways to grow? And what do 80s action figures have to do with all this? Find out this week on Trinity Radio!

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S7 E3: Does University Destroy or Deepen the Faith of the Young?

Johnathan and Braxton are joined by Adam Roth to discuss an NPR article that says Christians (unlike those of other religions) get confirmed in their Christianity in higher education, and a Huffington Post article that says millennials should "compost Christianity."

Watch the Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvIOQEfEiQ4

Make sure to subscribe on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzBRc0afgrS-PCrm6nka1_A

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Politics & Believers

What if your pastor was suddenly told that he was not allowed to preach the gospel? What would the church do? What would be the first response? It would probably be to write a senator or protest. Is this the right thing to do? As democrats and republicans wage war against each other, we discuss the first thing a Christian should do when the politics of their nation are not biblical. 

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